If you have a discharge issue with your home’s plumbing, then you might benefit from the installation of an upflush toilet. This technology makes it possible to place a complete bathroom anywhere in your home without going through an expensive ...
If you have a dog that refuses to go outside when they need to use the bathroom, then training them to use the toilet is a viable alternative. Although most veterinarians discourage the idea of training a pet to perform ...
You’re eating well, lots of fiber, maybe lots of meat or plant-based stuff. Once your body has absorbed all those nutrients, what’s left can be a bit… umm… big. Will it flush? Oh god, the stains. Please don’t let it ...
Modern toilets have cut back on household water use dramatically. In the 1990s, it was not unusual to see a unit that would go through 7 gallons of water during a single flushing cycle. Now we are using either 1.28 ...
One of the best features available with the modern toilet is the self-cleaning glaze. This design makes it easier to keep the bowl clean because it works like a non-stick feature. The water from a flush can push the waste ...
If you own a toilet, then you must have a plunger. These two go together like Snoopy and Charlie, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Laurel and Hardy, Batman and Robin, or America and Apple Pie. Knowing what type of plunger ...
If you’re planning a vacation or holiday right now, then stop for a minute. Think about what you will encounter at your destination when you need to use the toilet. Will you be comfortable with what you find? There are ...
If you look up the history of the toilet, then you will discover a man by the name of Sir John Harington. He was a godson of Queen Elizabeth I and was the first to create a cistern that used ...
If your property uses a septic system instead of a sewer to transport waste away from your property, then knowing what the best toilet is for your home will help you to have a successful experience. Since you are on ...
One of the hardest-working products in your home is an item that you rarely see. The wax seal for your toilet helps to keep the sewer gases from coming into your bathroom while ensuring that all of the stuff that ...