

Most Compatible Toilets for Septic Systems

If your property uses a septic system instead of a sewer to transport waste away from your property, then knowing what the best toilet is for your home will help you to have a successful experience.

Since you are on a septic system, knowing what gets flushed down the toilet is more important to a positive experience than choosing a specific make or model. You can’t flush some cleaners, oil, grease, hygiene products, or cat litter – and many other items. Keeping the system healthy must be your top priority.

If you are thinking about an upgrade to your toilet or a bathroom remodeling project, there are some crucial data points about the modern unit that you will want to know about today.

1. New Toilets Last a Long Time
You can expect the new toilets that you purchase for your septic system will last for at least a decade. Make sure that you care for the unit you choose according to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best possible results. That means you might need to you specific cleaning agents or tools to prevent unintentional damage.

2. Less Water Use
Older toilets on septic systems could use upwards of 7 gallons of water per flush. If you consider the average person flushed their toilet four times per day, a family of four can go through a lot of fresh water by pushing a button or pressing a lever. Most toilets today will use 1.6 gallons of water per flush or less, which can be an uncomfortable change for users who are used to the rush of liquid into the bowl. Look for a model that offers pressure assistance if you’re struggling to get results.

This reduction of water is a positive attribute for modern septic systems because it will be able to handle the flows better than it could with more water.

3. Size Options
Most toilets are about 17 inches in height for a convenient sitting experience. If you have physical difficulties that make it challenging to drop that low or stand back up, then taller models up to 21 inches are available in the U.S. market right now. You can combine this feature with bowl options that are either round or elongated, between 16-19 inches in length, for a comfortable experience when using the bathroom.

4. Rough-In Concerns
The rough-in for a toilet refers to how much space there is from the wall to the middle of the bolts that are on the base of your toilet. You must know these dimensions before you start shopping for a new unit, especially if you live in an older home. The standard measurement is 12 inches with current construction, but older homes on septic systems may discover a 10-inch or 14-inch rough-in waiting for them.

You will find that the best toilets for the home will work with septic systems and sewers alike when the features of the unit are designed for your installation point. Look at all of your options today, and then choose the make and model that will serve your needs today, tomorrow, and well into the future.

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